Project setup
Now that we have some basics about our database and a general outline of our use cases, let’s get into some technology discussions.
NodeJS and Express : I was going to try something more exotic, but I do want to ship so we’re going with something we know.
CouchDB : Discussed elsewhere.
Slouch : I was going to use nano which was the accepted solution, but just as I (re)started working on the project, a new client came out: slouchjs so we are oging to use that
Pug (formerly Jade) : For the initial project, I don’t want to do an SPA and I haven’t worked with a template engine in Express yet so this seems like a good place to learn. Taking a look around, Pug seems to be one of the highest regarded templating engines out there besides something like Mustache. I’ve used Mustache before so we’ll take a new thing to learn against.